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Bombed warehouse of Megashow equipment

On February 24, 2022, a full-scale Russian invasion of Ukraine took place. The entire territory of our country is regularly subjected to shelling. Some members of our team were forced to leave their hometowns, hide in shelters, and spend nights on the subway floor.
Our equipment warehouse was located in the village of Horenka which is not far from Hostomel, where intense battles have been taking place since the beginning of the invasion. On April 6, 2022, we received a message that during the shelling several russian shells hit the warehouse. Everything burned in fire. Fortunately, none of the people nearby were injured. However, the fire destroyed unique equipment for creating 3D performances, lighting consoles, powerful new projectors, lighting fixtures and much more. Without these resources it is now challenging for us to continue our activities.

All these events have changed us, but they have not broken us. Without equipment our team has not stopped working. Some engage in the war on the information front daily, some become volunteers, others patrol the streets in local defense units, and some organize charity workouts part of the proceeds from which go to those affected by russian aggression.
We still believe that art is bulletproof and cannot be destroyed by shells. Because creativity is not just about technology, it is about people. The main thing is that our team is intact, continues to implement various projects and helps our country in these difficult times.
We really want to resume organizing concerts for children, especially those who are currently suffering from the war. We hope that this will become possible soon. We just need to raise the necessary funds to purchase new equipment. Although, it is not a small amount, we believe it is possible. Even a minimal donation is important. We appreciate the help and support of each one of you.

куленепробивне мистецтво
burnt warehouse
bulletproof art